Thursday, April 16, 2009

Work and Public Servants (aka pubic serpents)

Contrary to popular belief, this is not an oxymoron; it is in fact a double oxymoron. Having been one myself for twenty years, I can say as an ex-insider that they perform quite extraordinary feats in the avoidance of that four-letter word beginning with a w and ending with a k. No! Dear reader, I am not referring to self-gratification. Well I suppose I am, but not of the onanistic variety so reviled by the Catholic Church, what we are considering here is WORK.

The other part of that oxymoron is Public and Servant. If you have ever had the misfortune to deal with one (and let’s say here, that they are so all pervasive, you can’t escape the bastards). You are, presumably, a member of the Public, some synonyms for which are civil, urban and society, whereas others are vulgar, common and hangers-on. A servant can be an attendant or alternatively a footman or a famulus. Put yourself in their position and ask the question “Would you rather be an attendant to a civil society, or put your famulistic boot (foot) into a common, vulgar, hanger-on?

What brought this on, was that the GLW (Good Lady Wife), gave me some rather startling news yesterday. Apparently a son of one of her friends has gone to work at my old workplace, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) at the tender age of 20. If little Johnny and his treasurer Peter Coster-Living have their way and their successors follow suit, this means that the poor sod will still be there in 60 years time i.e. 2067.

The reasoning behind this thinking, is that when the Old Age Pension (OAP) was introduced early last century, the average life expectancy for males was 61years. Barton or Skullin (no relation) or whomsoever, decided that the toilers should not only be given an eight-hour day (provided they worked longer than that). But should also be allowed to retire at 65 and the government would generously provide them with a pittance, to eke out on essentials over their last few miserable years. Secretly hoping, meanwhile, that the vast majority would croak it before then.

Of course the untrustworthy, hoi polloi bastards decided to live longer and the average life expectancy is now 82 and rising, before long the ungrateful dastardly swine will be living as long as Her Majesty and her kith and kin. The buggers will be retiring at 65 and living for another 50 years. What worries Little J and Peter is the ‘Economy’, at that rate you’ll have tens of millions of geriatrics collecting the Old Age Pension (OAP) and clogging up the hospital system. Who will be providing the taxes and hence the wherewithal to pay for this, your kids that’s who!

The obvious answer to this is to raise the age of retirement to 80 right? That’ll fix the sneaky sods and keep them toiling for another 15 years, which will have two benefits. More of them will be dropping off while toiling and will be paying taxes for another 15 years and the rest of them will be so shagged out they won’t be able to make it to the phone, let alone hospital. Brilliant! Why didn’t we think of it years ago? Because it would have affected us baby boomers you brainless berk.

The Pollies have already covered their sweet smelling, little buttocks by creating a ‘Futures Fund’, this cunning little ploy has been instituted, so every Pollie gets $1,000,000 for every year served in Parliament with an upper limit of $1 billion for ministers, prime and otherwise. The hoi polloi are also required to pay for their own pensions by secreting 10% of their wages in Super Funds. So my GLW’s mate’s son gets to work in the ATO until he’s 80. Serves him right I say!

Cheers for now,


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