Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Old Age, 60 is not the new 40 it's on your way to 20.

I’ve just passed my 60th birthday two weeks ago. I’ve always looked old, even when I was in my early thirties I looked 60. I was always asked by bus drivers and tram conductors if I was a pensioner. I usually replied “Yes” to get a cheaper fare, when I was asked for my concession card, I used to tell them that the dog had eaten it, sometimes it worked.

Anyway, now I’m 60 I look 65 or younger, so when I’m 70 I’ll look an oldish sort of 50 and when I’m 90 I’ll look like a very wrinkled 25 year old. There isn’t a lot you can do about wrinkles, apart from botox and plastic surgery (and they don’t call it plastic for nothing). You also have to be rich to afford it, so the rest of us shit-kickers have very little choice.

You can try ironing the skin on your arms and legs and tying the excess in knots at the end of your fingers and toes, course you’d always have to wear gloves and socks. With your face/head you can always pull your scalp back into a pony-tail (See my blog on Hair) but like I said there, it does tend to give you a very oriental look. Not, I hasten to add, that there is anything wrong with that.

If you have a really, really wrinkled face like Rupert Murdoch, you would have to pull the skin back so far, that you would be able to look through your nostrils and your lips would be stretched round your nose, not a real great look by any standards.

Speaking of Rupert, he’s uber-rich and he hasn’t had plastic surgery as far as I know, (If he has, it hasn’t been worth what he paid for it, but who knows? Maybe it has been a success!). Still on the subject, I’ve seen better looking raisins than Rupe.

I wish I hadn’t thought of that, I really enjoy a couple of slices of toasted raisin bread on a cold winters morning. Now, whenever I see them, I’ll be asking the missus to change the ‘toasted Rupert bread’ for proper toast. I hope I haven’t put you off your breakfast.




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