Wednesday, September 2, 2009



This year I’ve been to see so many ‘Ologists’ that I’m thinking of becoming one, I think I’ve got the experience, if not the qualifications.

So far I’ve seen a Gastroenterologist (liver), various Pathologists (blood), I’ve given so much that they’ve attached a faucet to my little finger, to save time. A heap of Radiologists for scans, Ultra (knee, calf, liver, eye and carotid) X-Ray (wrist, knee and ankle) CAT (liver) and MRI (knee).

I’ve seen an Opthalmologist (eyes) a Rheumatologist (Fair dinkum! knee). Dentologists (aka Dentists, on several occasions) and a General Practitionologist, so many times we’re thinking of getting engaged.

I’m getting a trifle pissed off by now, so I could become a Urologist. It really is starting to give me the shits, so maybe a Proctologist. There again, it’s really making me barking mad, so I may become a Psychologist before I turn into a Psychopathologist.

See you at the Gerontologist,

